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Beatty fire gets new tires, chamber new funds

The safety of emergency service volunteers was on the mind of the Beatty Town Advisory Board meeting Dec. 15 as they deliberated spending up to $5,000 for new tires for the Beatty Fire Department’s Engine 32.

A recent inspection showed that tires on some emergency vehicles were out of safety compliance due to age.

Board treasurer Erika Gerling said that she was told that, after the inspection, the county was initiating a three-year rotation program for the replacement of tires.

In the past, the county paid for such items, but with money tight, the county is passing more of these costs to the towns. “With the county’s budget issues, we can expect more expenses,” said Gerling.

Last year one of the Beatty Volunteer Fire Department’s trucks suffered a blow-out returning from a run and rolled. Nurse Practicioner Diane McGinnis, one of the volunteers, commented from the audience that she was in the truck when it rolled, to which board member Kelly Carroll, himself a volunteer fireman responded, “It was gnarly.” The truck was out of service for repair for almost a year.

The board had received two estimates from suppliers, and they chose to purchase the tires from Revert’s 24-Hour Tire Service, which submitted the lower figure at $3,826.76.

They also approved up to $2,000 from the Volunteer Fire Department budget for ladder and pump testing, something that is required annually.

Ann Marchand reported that the Chamber of Commerce had received three grants: $5,000 for their multi-language rack cards, $3,608 to have a service place cards in racks in various out-of-town locations, and $3,000 for advertising in Nevada Magazine. She said they have to match funds and think they can handle it and will only approach the board for tourism funds if they find themselves short.

Marchand announced the winners of the Christmas lighting contest. Mike and Georgine Willis took first place for residential lighting, with Jeannie and Andy Ybarra in second place. Wayne Burnell and Rad and Nancy Anderson tied for third.

The Happy Burro Chili and Beer took first pace in the commercial division. The Sourdough Saloon was second, and KC’s Outpost took third.

Nicole Altman told the board that there are two new docents helping out at the Beatty Museum, John Manning and David Ohlerking.

Dr. McGinnis told the board that they were training a lot of new people at the clinic. “It slows us down a little,” she said, “but if we don’t train people we won’t have anyone to take care of us when we are older.”

She also said that radiation safety training for first responders and first receivers will be taking place January 17 and 18.

McGinnis, who also is involved in the scouting movement, said that the Beatty Volunteer Fire Department is rechartering the troop they sponsor.

Chairman Dick Gardner said that he had talked with Vance Payne and Pam Webster about the new ambulance barn. There is a checklist of items, some of which he said are minor, that are holding up the opening of the building for use. He said that Webster is hoping to get it in operation early in the new year.

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