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Butterfly Release to honor lost loved ones

A swirl of swallowtails will take to the sky this coming Sunday during the always moving Pahrump Butterfly Release, an annual event sponsored by Nathan Adelson Hospice.

Intended to bring comfort to those who have lost someone close to them, the Butterfly Release will offer area residents the chance to gather with others who have experienced such loss and commemorate the lives of those who are no longer here. This will mark the 19th year of the event and anyone who wants to honor the memory of a loved one is invited to attend.

“At our Annual Celebration of Life - Live Butterfly Release in Pahrump, we remember and honor those we love with a short, inspirational service culminating in the release of hundreds of butterflies,” information on the event details.

“The premise of the Butterfly Release is inspired by a Native American legend in which wishes are carried to the heavens,” the nonprofit organization explained. “According to the legend, if anyone desired a wish to come true, they had to capture a butterfly and whisper that wish to it. The butterfly, which makes no sound, could not reveal the wish to anyone but the Great Spirit, who hears and sees all. The butterfly then carried the wish to the heavens to be granted.”

The deadline to purchase a butterfly box has passed but all are welcome to join in the event, regardless of whether or not their loved one was a patient of Nathan Adelson or if they have a butterfly reserved.

The 19th Annual Celebration of Life - Live Butterfly Release is set for Sunday, April 14 at the Calvada Eye. The service will begin at 2 p.m. Due to the sensitive nature of the creatures, all butterflies will be released promptly at 2:30 p.m.

For more information on Nathan Adelson Hospice visit NAH.org or call 702-733-0320.

Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com

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