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Help for mental health issues now in your hand

Elemental Treatment has developed an app available on all devices to offer teletherapy, with programs including therapy for addiction and depression as well as life coaching and life skills.

“During these difficult times, people should be able to access care wherever they are located,” said Mendi Baron, founder and CEO of Elemental Treatment. “This is so important for our vulnerable populations, including teens, the elderly in nursing homes, traveling professionals, vulnerable and stigmatized populations and people who cannot afford to take time off from work for treatment. There are also military personnel and college students to consider.”

For many, a stigma remains for anyone who reaches out for help with mental health.

Now with social distancing, additional concerns for everyone’s safety is at the forefront of health care providers and their patients. Elemental Treatment has extended hours so that treatment is accessible anytime using state-of-the-art technology.

English- and Spanish-speaking programs and counselors are available.

After texting the therapist, a link is clicked, and there is a face-to-face engagement over the device. Help can be accessed from a phone, tablet or computer via encrypted video, text, or call.

Developers for the Elemental Treatment app researched other platforms and discovered many were conduits for the therapists’ clients with no resource for new, potential clients to reach them. Other platforms operated as a broker connecting therapists with anyone who inquired about possible therapy sessions.

What makes Elemental Treatment unique is that the professionals are all licensed and vetted and processes are in place to review documentation or effectiveness of the treatment program offered by the therapist. Elemental Treatment is one of the only teletherapy programs in the world to receive the coveted CARF Accreditation due to the rigorous standards it needs to meet.

As all therapy sessions and treatment programs offered by Elemental Treatment are highly accredited, this also makes them fully billable to insurance. Though payment plans include cash options, insurance providers work with Elemental Treatment to cover the care, including specific contracts to cover the military through Tricare, teachers through Teachers Health Trust and hospitality workers through the Culinary Fund.

This support is especially vital to the people who were laid off during this pandemic.

“Our platform allows anyone to call, text or videoconference anywhere with one click,” Baron explained.

The app, available for both IOS and Android, offers additional content including reminders, updates, tips for mental health, questionnaires and interesting concepts about mental health and wellness.

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