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Lifeguards sought for pool season

The Town of Pahrump is looking for responsible, mature and motivated lifeguards for the 2021 pool season.

Applicants for lifeguard and cashier positions must be at least 15 years old by April 1, be able to pass a drug/alcohol screening and a background check and, for lifeguards, be able to obtain lifeguard certification and first aid/CPR.

The application may be downloaded from www.nyecounty.net or by emailing Human_Resources@co.nye.nv.us and requesting an application. Applications, employment opportunities and job descriptions are located in the Human Resources Department on the website.

Application can be returned by email or fax at 775-751-6309. For more information, call 775-482-7244.

Deadline for applications is 4 p.m. March 25.

Nye County landfill parcel fees go up

With increasing operation costs, county officials say the increase is a necessity.

Learn all about home safety for the blind

Residents can attend this free public event from the Federation of the Blind.

Learn to engage with lawmakers

Learn ‘How to Be an Effective Citizen Lobbyist’ at this free upcoming workshop.