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Pair of new traffic signals to go live on SR-160

When traveling to and from Las Vegas on State Route 160, be prepared to stop at a pair of new traffic lights on the other side of the hump.

The Nevada Department of Transportation will activate two new four-way signalized intersections at SR-160 and Fort Apache Road and at El Capitan Way on the Las Vegas side Thursday at 6 a.m.

The pair of traffic signals will now be the first traffic lights motorists encounter as they get into Las Vegas from Pahrump.

The $2.4 million project, which broke ground in May, includes traffic signals, at-grade pedestrian crossings, paving and curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements.

“Ultimately, this project improves mobility, access and reliability in the southwest valley while making critical motorist and pedestrian safety upgrades,” said Tony Illia, NDOT spokesman. “State Route 160 has been transformed from a rural lightly-traveled road to a densely-developed urban corridor with many new residences, schools and businesses during the past decade. The impacted stretch of roadway now averages up to 42,000 vehicles a day.”

Las Vegas Paving was the general contractor on the project, which finished within budget and days ahead of schedule. The enhancements are part of $10 million in additional pedestrian safety upgrades approved by the Nevada State Transportation Board in February 2015.

For current road information go to nvroads.com.

Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.

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