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DMV upgrade could cost Nevada extra $300M amid rollout woes

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles’ modernization of its computer system could take longer than anticipated and cost the state more than $300 million in additional funding.

Knecht and Lawrence: Three state ballot measures we oppose

Last week we discussed the state ballot measure that would legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Nevada. We have mixed views on that issue, but there are three other important state ballot questions we oppose.

Knapp: No, it’s not just you. Politics really does drive people nuts

Before Charles Krauthammer became a political columnist capable of simultaneously endearing and enraging all comers, left and right, he studied medicine at Harvard, practiced psychiatry at Massachusetts General, and directed psychiatric research planning in the Carter administration.

Myers: Respecting the future of the past

In 1991-92, I spent a month in Spain over Christmas and New Year’s. Most of my time was spent in a town called Algeciras across the Bay of Algeciras from Gibraltar.

Letters to the editor

Proud to be living in Pahrump

Knightly: Newspaper preparing to hold debate May 27

I am honored to announce that the Pahrump Valley Times is finalizing details for what we plan to be an informative and interesting day of political discourse before residents cast their vote for county commission.

Letters to the editor

Celebrate Mother’s Day with dairy product alternates

Hudson: Paul Robert Cohen and “his” famous free-speech case

Paul Robert Cohen’s last name appears in one of the most important First Amendment free-speech cases in modern American history – in which a sharply divided U.S. Supreme Court strengthened free speech by protecting the right to engage in offensive expression.