PVTBC bowlers conclude 8-9 Pin No-Tap Singles tournament
The Pahrump Valley Tournament Bowling Club concluded its 8-9 Pin No-Tap Singles tournament on March 8 at the Pahrump Nugget Bowling Center.
Tournament sponsors Bob and Jeri Riley hosted five different events on the day while Debbie Varner and Jan Sawyer helped check in participants at the check-in desk.
Josh Schwartz was the winner of the 50/50, netting $83.50.
The following bowlers all rolled a 300: Judi Clausen, Zid Cabuena.
900 series: Stan Lazuka two (2), Howard Pillman, Joe Matassa, Ed Poland, Jim Spear, Chris Mohl, Gordon Sim, Larry Attebery, Daryl Lasky, John Ventimiglia, and Shaun Upton.
The following indiviuals in the Pahrump 500 club split $280.
Emily Fronk: 164, 178, 274, 263, 290, 1005 $70
Judi Clausen: 161, 186, 300, 229, 264, 979 $65
Dee Runau: 110, 324, 237, 193, 193, 947 $50
Donna Doyle: 142, 237, 233, 248, 220, 938 $35
Sherry Levy: 162, 183, 251, 258, 243, 935 $22.50
Cindy Sim: 155, 202, 254, 296, 183, 935 $22.50
Dottie Cole: 148, 221, 225, 216, 264, 926 $15
In the Almost 500 club, Deb Mallory won $40, bowling a total of 1082 (291, 252, 264 275).
The following participants received cash prizes in the groupies tournament:
Bob Riley: 158,194, 265, 297, 275, 1031 $70
Zid Cabuena: 188, 113, 300, 300, 300, 1013 $50
Howard Pillman: 168, 167, 220, 280, 300 967 $45
Doug Tarver: 145, 229, 255, 221, 251, 956 $40
Stan Lazuka: 198, 86, 300, 265, 300, 951 $35
Mike McNeley: 153, 207, 277, 228, 233 945 $30
Joe Matassa: 195, 94, 273, 300, 277, 944 $25
Ed Poland: 182, 129, 225, 277, 300, 931 $20
Mike Kintzer: 171, 140, 296, 248, 228, 912 $7.50
Mike Mundt: 173, 153, 264, 276, 219, 912 $7.50
The Handicap Side Pot results are as follows:
Deb Mallory: 122, 291, 252, 264, 275, 1082 $40
Zid Cabuena: 188, 113, 300, 300, 300, 1013 $35
Emily Fronk: 164, 178, 274, 263, 290, 1005 $30
Judi Clausen: 161, 186, 300, 229, 264, 979 $25
Howard Pillman: 168, 167, 220, 280, 300, 967 $22
Doug Tarver: 145, 229, 255, 221, 251, 956 $21
Stan Lazuka: 198, 86, 300, 265, 300, 951 $20
Dee Runau: 110, 324, 237, 193, 193, 947 $18
Mike McNeley: 153, 207, 277, 228, 233, 945 $15
Joe Matassa: 195, 94, 273, 300, 277, 944 $12
Sherry Levy: 162, 183, 251, 258, 243, 935 $8.50
Cindy Sim: 155, 202, 254, 296, 183, 935 $8.50
Ed Poland: 182, 129, 225, 277, 300, 931 $5
The following participants received cash prizes based off their performance in the Scratch Side Pot:
Zid Cabuena: 188, 300, 300, 300, 900 $35
Stan Lazuka: 198, 300, 265, 300, 865 $32.50
Joe Matassa: 195, 273, 300, 277, 850 $25
Emily Fronk: 164, 274, 263, 290, 827 $17.50
Gordon Sim: 208, 268, 258, 300, 826 $12.50
Ed Poland: 182, 225, 277, 300, 802 $10
Larry Attebery: 19,7 241, 300, 252, 793 $7.50