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NDOT transfers roadways in Southern Nevada

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), after nearly three years of talks and negotiations, has transferred the following roads for operation and maintenance, permitting and enforcement effective Jan. 1, 2019 and July 1, 2019 for Clark County and the city of Las Vegas, respectively, NDOT announced this week.

Brush fire burns in Pahrump, lighting the sky

A late brush fire ignited near Marie Street and Lola Lane in the Pahrump area Monday evening, sending flames high into the nighttime sky.

IRS notes upcoming deadline

The Internal Revenue Service urges taxpayers who owe tax and have not filed their 2018 return to act before Friday, June 14, before a larger penalty kicks in.

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Fire performers burned at Pahrump luau

A fire dancer was burned Saturday evening when part of his costume caught fire while performing at a luau outside the Lakeside Casino and RV Park in Pahrump where officials said another performer received lesser burns during the show.

Dancer catches on fire during Pahrump luau performance

A fire dancer was burned Saturday evening when part of his costume caught fire while performing at a luau outside the Lakeside casino in Pahrump.

Nye County approves final budget

The Nye County Commission held its final hearing on the 2019-2020 fiscal year budget on May 29, unanimously approving the budget as presented by Nye County Comptroller Savannah Rucker that morning.

Judge spars with Nye County over court order

Fifth Judicial District Court Judge Kim Wanker has issued an official order demanding that the Nye County Sheriff’s Office provide her department with the funds necessary to hire a full-time law clerk at roughly $100,000 per year, sparking a tense conflict between the judge and certain Nye County commissioners during a June 4 commission meeting.

Nye County District Attorney’s Report

Editor’s note: The Nye County District Attorney’s Report is provided by the office of DA Chris Arabia. Plans call for it to be provided on a monthly basis as the information becomes available. This report is for May 2019 unless noted. Duplicate names represent separate cases.

Jim Butler Days sweeps through Tonopah

Residents and visitors who stopped in the Tonopah area on Memorial Day weekend enjoyed the festivities of the 49th annual Jim Butler Days that had a theme of “Cowboys and Ranchers – Backbone of Nevada.”

Pahrump veterans treated to annual appreciation barbecue

The Disabled American Veterans Chapter #15 of Pahrump is dedicated to empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. The men and women who have served America in the U.S. armed forces have given of themselves to preserve the freedoms and liberties of the country’s citizens and giving back to those who have served is a key component of what the local veterans’ organization is all about.

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