A tale of two wrestlers: Preciado gave up a chance at the title for his teammates

Abraham Preciado finished last year as the 182-pound Division I-A Southern Region champion and he was determined to do it all over again except for one thing, he didn’t make the varsity team. How does a region champion one year fail to make the varsity team this year?

State water boss updates on bills

Nevada’s water boss, Jason King, is pleased with the progress that Nye County is making in crafting a groundwater management plan to address looming threats to the Pahrump water basin.

Commonly missed tax deductions

Tax season is upon us, and to get organized and prepared for the grueling task of filing your taxes, it’s important to be aware of all the deductions and tax credits available to you. Here are some commonly missed tax deductions; by taking advantage of them, you have the potential to save hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Crime Corner, Feb. 25

Couple jailed for domestic violence

Mountain road restriction pulled without notice

An alert issued Monday afternoon warning drivers that snow chains would be required to pass over the Spring Mountains was pulled 82 minutes later without notification.

State lawmakers will not revisit same-sex marriage

CARSON CITY — There will not be a repeat of the drama that played out in the state Legislature two years ago over gay marriage now that a federal appeals court has ruled same-sex marriage is legal in Nevada.

Family-owned furniture store centralizing area operations

Despite closing down one of their retail spaces at the end of last year, Home Gallery Furniture is still going strong and are ready to celebrate their 15th anniversary this year.

IN PROFILE:DeAnna Fortunato


Butch Harper, Pahrump’s goodwill ambassador, dies

Andre “Butch” Harper, Pahrump’s official goodwill ambassador, passed away on Saturday at age 73.

Desert View Hospital to hold second annual golf tourney

Desert View Hospital will host its second annual charity golf tournament on March 6 at Mountain Falls Golf Club to benefit the Desert View Hospital Foundation, a non-profit that directly benefits Pahrump residents.

Letters to the Editor

Festival fees should be lower for non-profits

Fred Schmidt: Longtime coach says farewell

Fred Schmidt left coaching at Pahrump Valley High School quietly after wrestling season. He will be remembered as one of the great coaches. For some years now the coach did three sports at the high school: football, wrestling and track.

Renamed veterans committee working closely with county

The Pahrump Veterans Advisory Committee, formerly the Advisory Board, is working closely with county officials on upcoming projects.

Track and field gets new head coach

Wes Icard is the new Trojans track coach. He will be taking over for Ed Kirkwood, who was made Trojans athletic director at the end of last year.

Times to have new ownership after company sale

The Pahrump Valley Times will be under new ownership as part of a deal to sell its parent company, Stephens Media, to New York-based New Media Investment Group.

Support Meetings

Support Meetings

Fiore said bullet to the head makes rapists dead

Liberals are having a veritable cow after the New York Times printed the following quote by conservative Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, R-Clark, with regard to the reintroduction of her campus carry bill.

A good political rule – don’t assume

Back in the 1970s there was a report that U.S. Rep. David Towell, who served one term as a Republican U.S. House member from Nevada, sent out a questionnaire on current issues and got one surprising result.

DA’s report

• Timothy Joseph Chezik

Death Valley NP sees largest visitor numbers in 13 years

The number of visitors to Death Valley National Park broke the 1 million mark for the first time in more than a decade.

California Lottery

No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Wednesday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $11 million.

Measles continues to miss Pahrump area

It appears that students enrolled within the Nye County School District have dodged the measles virus, while more than one case in the Clark County School District has been confirmed.

Proposal to meter new domestic wells gains traction

A controversial plan to meter new domestic wells was one of the water loss mitigation efforts approved by the county water district and water management committee on Monday.

Pahrump Valley Speedway events off to a good start

A new class of racers debuted at the speedway to add to the excitement of opening day. The new class is the Mini Dwarf class and is made up of kids from 9-13 years old. Although this class will not be whipping around the turns at fantastic speeds, it gives kids in the community something else to look forward to.

Questions continue to swirl around groundwater committee’s priority list

After a year of assessment, the Pahrump Basin Groundwater Management Plan Committee presented its 11-item priority list of action items, whittled down from 180, to the County Commission on Tuesday for review and comment.

Three structure fires keep local crews busy

Two local agencies responded to three separate structure fires on consecutive days.

Tark would’ve liked Division IV basketball

They dimmed the lights for Tark the Tark on Wednesday evening at 10:30 p.m. after the UNLV basketball game. This brought me back to local basketball.

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