In the holiday spirit is the Nye County Sheriff’s Office with its “Turkey or Ticket,” campaign as Thanksgiving neared.
Pahrump’s community Christmas tree was being put into place Monday by Valley Electric Association crews, as the town prepares for a special upcoming ceremony.
Free clothing
Big box stores and nationwide businesses have Black Friday, online retailers have Cyber Monday and since 2010, independently owned, small businesses have had Small Business Saturday, which has been formally declared in Nye County for the first time this year.
The Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest’s Spring Mountains National Recreation Area has transitioned its developed recreation sites to winter operations.
Several partners brought a scene from the Old West alive in Death Valley, California in early November.
Do you want to give the inexpensive unassuming butternut squash a sophisticated glamorous makeover? Do this.
Local artists and craft vendors have been struggling in recent months over the interpretation of a Pahrump Town Ordinance that requires seller’s permits for certain situations but that struggle has reached a conclusion.
The New Holiday Task Force has officially replaced the old Holiday Task Force and has taken over its ever-popular community meals, including the Community Thanksgiving Dinner, which has now been renamed the Community Outreach Thanksgiving Dinner to more accurately reflect the true purpose behind the annual event.
Scotty’s Castle, located in the northern region of Death Valley National Park, has been closed since Oct. 18, 2015 when almost three inches of rain fell on the Scotty’s Castle area in Grapevine Canyon.
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