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Blood drive planned for Thursday at Pahrump Nugget

A blood drive is planned for Thursday at the Pahrump Nugget in the banquet room.

The event runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday at 681 S. Highway 160. The time to make an appointment has expired, but walk-in opportunities are still available.

“There is currently an urgent need for blood donations of all blood types, especially type O-positive and O-negative,” a press release from Vitalant said.

Vitalant states, “Those that have been vaccinated can still donate blood without a deferral period. The pandemic continues to affect the blood supply, as hundreds of drives continue to be canceled every month. Donors are also encouraged donate on behalf of those in the nation that have been affected by natural disasters, including the wildfires and hurricane, as this has led to many blood drive cancellations around the nation.”

According to Vitalant, blood donation is an essential health care activity, where every two seconds, some in the U.S. requires a blood transfusion.

The next scheduled blood drive is on Oct. 13 at the Pahrump Nugget.

Appointments can be scheduled at donors.vitalant.org or by calling 877-25-VITAL.

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.