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Uninsured Nevadans can get tested for COVID-19

Most uninsured Nevadans now qualify for Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing at no cost.

Nevada Medicaid now covers COVID-19 testing and testing related services for most uninsured Nevadans, available under the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act.

Most Nevadans, who are either uninsured or enrolled in a limited benefit Medicaid eligibility group, may be eligible for coverage. There is no resource or income test for this group.

In addition to being uninsured, individuals must be Nevada residents, a U.S. citizen or have qualifying immigration status and provide a Social Security number to qualify for this coverage. Coverage for this program is retroactive to March 18, and it continues until the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

This is limited Medicaid coverage that does not cover treatment or medication for COVID-19 and does not cover services beyond COVID-19 testing.

This coverage includes screening and testing, both diagnostic and serology antibody testing for COVID-19. The COVID-19 diagnostic test will identify if a person is currently infected with the coronavirus and an antibody test identifies if a person was previously infected. Testing is available for both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals and chest X-ray services are also covered.

To apply for benefits including Medicaid, go to accessnevada.dwss.nv.gov

Nevadans can find COVID-19 testing locations through the Nevada Health Response website at https://nvhealthresponse.nv.gov/find-covid-19-testing-in-nevada/ or by contacting their health care provider.

If you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, call your health care provider before visiting the office. At this time there is no vaccine for COVID-19 and the best preventative measures continue to be social distancing, good hand hygiene, wearing a mask in public and staying home and isolated from others when sick.

More information on Nevada’s response to COVID-19 can be found at NVHealthResponse.nv.gov

Purple Sage public meeting held

Public comment is sought on the solar generation facility proposal.

Nevada dairy farm could become solar facility

An agreement has been signed to turn the 3,000-acre dairy farm into a solar energy facility.