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DMV upgrade could cost Nevada extra $300M amid rollout woes

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles’ modernization of its computer system could take longer than anticipated and cost the state more than $300 million in additional funding.

COMMUNITY VIEWPOINT: Investing in Valley Electric Association’s future

In recent years, Valley Electric Association, Inc. (VEA) has made a number of significant investments in an effort to create new economic opportunities for our service territory and maintain rate stability for our member-owners.

Night of the living dead liberal agenda

Quite often the only thing worse than a bad movie is the sequel. And so it is with the Left’s agenda this election season.

Federal health care is still unproven

Recently I received a mailing from the Democratic National Committee. Tailored to each recipient, mine read “Obamacare is winning, Dennis” in the subject line.

A true Obama administration scandal

WASHINGTON — President Obama’s foes have been trying for years to uncover scandal in his administration. But the most damning allegation of wrongdoing was leveled on the Senate floor Tuesday morning — by a friend.

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