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2024 Homeschool Homecoming will be a ‘retro-furturistic’ Steampunk Soiree

This will be the second homecoming event for localhomeschoolers and fourth dance hosted by PahrumpMoose Lodge #808 in an effort to ensure that studentstaking the homeschool route don’t miss out on themilestone moments they would get in a brick-and-mortarschool setting.

Hydrants critical, but hard to come by in parts of Pahrump Valley

Water is a fire department’s most reliable ally in fighting fires, however, it’s not always readily available in the event of structure and brush fires in the deserts of Pahrump Valley.

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Nye County manager resigning

After seven years as the manager for both Nye County and the town of Pahrump, Tim Sutton will soon be stepping down from his position.

‘No kid sleeps on the floor in our town!’ : Wulfenstein raises $5k for beds

Thanks to the generosity of PRS’ Wulfenstein Construction crew, the Nye County Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace is now thousands of dollars better off, money that will be used exclusively to build and fit out new beds for kids in Pahrump and the surrounding communities.

$10M may flow Nye water district’s way — what’s at stake

Congress is currently considering the Thomas R. Carper Water Resources Development Act of 2024 and if this bipartisan bill ends up becoming law, which appears likely, the Nye County Water District will be the beneficiary of a $10 million windfall.

GALLERY: Mustangs & Music helps Pahrump’s horse herds

One year ago this month, the Bureau of Land Management conducted a roundup of several area wild horses, touching off a wave of community concern and demands to have the animals returned.

Husband and wife allegedly changed price tags of 47 items at Walmart

Deputy Jason Ruesch responded to the retailer just before 3 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 11, according to a Nye County Sheriff’s Office report, after loss prevention workers advised dispatch that the couple was scanning merchandise at the self-checkout counter and suspected them of stealing.

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