PAHRUMP — A Pahrump fugitive who had been on the run for more than five weeks after authorities tried to detain him on child abuse and firearms charges was arrested on Oct. 5 in Clark County.
With the help of an award from the T-Mobile Hometown Grant program, Pahrump is getting a splash pad. Local officials celebrated this milestone during an announcement on Friday at Simkins Park. Here’s how plans for the new pad came together.
Congressman Steven Horsford made the rounds in the Pahrump Valley. These local places were among the stops.
Sheriff Joe McGill told the Pahrump Valley Times that dispatchers initially reported a family disturbance in the area of Bunarch Road and Linda Street on Sunday.
The ability to navigate the world is something that those with good eyesight often take for granted but for those who are blind or visually impaired, it’s something that can be a challenge each and every day. However, with the help of a simple yet highly-effective tool, the white cane, those who cannot see clearly are empowered to explore and engage their communities.
The annual event is a benefit for scholarship program that provides aid to local students.
Fundraisers brings in $36k to support foster youth advocacy
A co-owner of a Pahrump nail salon faces additional charges after another customer claims she was defrauded of her credit card information after a visit to the local business.
Although no driver wants to see the flashing lights and sirens that indicate they are about to be pulled over, traffic enforcement is a crucial part of what any law enforcement agency does. In the Silver State, an initiative known as Joining Forces draws together jurisdictions from all across the state for a single purpose, traffic enforcement events aimed at ensuring that the rules of the road are being followed.
Road crews will be working on emergency repairs to stretches of Highway 160 in Pahrump at least through November, according to the Nevada Department of Transportation.
Next weekend, Remote Area Medical will be bringing its pop-clinic to the valley for the eighth straight year and members of the local host group committee are urging the public to get involved by donating their time to this life-changing event.
The Nevada Silver Tappers are well-known for their patriotic routines and their generosity to the veteran community and this October, these elements will combine into two nights of fantastic fundraising with the annual USO Benefit Show.
Grant is making town’s dream a reality. A party is planned for the big announcement on Oct. 6.
She allegedly used customer’s debit card for Walmart purchases.
Embarking on an educational path as an adult can be challenging and for those acting as head-of-household, it can be all the more difficult.