BLM extends public comment period

Bureau of Land Management said that the current public comment period for the Las Vegas and Pahrump field offices draft Resource Management Plan and draft Environmental Impact Statement has been extended from Jan. 7 to Feb. 6.

VEA gifts senior centers with power

Senior centers throughout Nye County have received an early holiday gift from Valley Electric Association; free electric for the month of December.

Pahrump VA clinic construction delayed

Pahrump’s long-awaited Veterans Administration Outpatient Clinic has been delayed again, according to U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford’s Rural Community Liaison Laurayne Murray.

County denies solid waste permit in Amargosa Valley

Nye County Commissioners denied a solid waste permit for B.A.E. Industries for a mulch and compost facility on 10 acres along Cook Road owned by the Settlemeyer Trust in Amargosa Valley, the latest dispute over dumping in the sparsely populated valley.

BIKE TOUR: Two friends plan to bike across the U. S. in year-long trip

Two strong friends in faith from Pahrump, Bill Lewis and Arika Ostr0m, will be cycling through the four corners of the United States starting on Jan. 1. The trip should last a year.

A family that runs together stays together

Desiree Veloz started running four years ago. For her, running was a challenge. Veloz is a teacher on assignment for the School District. She needed a physical activity that would keep her from falling back into the world of anorexia. Running has done just that and more. In October she ran her first marathon.

Man who stole cop car court date rescheduled

The man who police say commandeered a Nye County Sheriff’s deputy’s cruiser back in October is still awaiting arraignment.

Local auction business raises for Toys for Tots

A local auction company wants to make Christmas extra special for area children this holiday season.

Outgoing sheriff critical of communication within county

Nye County Sheriff Tony DeMeo blasted county officials for a lack of communication during his 12 years in office, as county commissioners delayed approving a vehicle for the Nye County Search and Rescue Service in the southern command, until his successor Sharon Wehrly takes over.

Crime Corner, Dec. 26

Man charged with neglect

Nevada to have stronger voice in nuke waste burial

WASHINGTON — Gov. Brian Sandoval and the federal government announced Tuesday they have reached an agreement giving the state a stronger voice over radioactive waste shipped into Nevada and buried in a landfill at the government’s national security site in Nye County.

Copper wire thefts cutting power, costing electric company big money

The theft of copper wire from utility lines has cost Valley Electric Association and their members approximately $100,000, officials announced at a regularly scheduled board meeting Tuesday.

Beatty bike trails feasibility study launched

The development of a mountain biking trail complex around Beatty took another step forward Dec. 16 as STORM-OV held what was billed as a “scoping meeting and feasibility launch.”

Chicken Ranch fire ripples through Nye County, region

The tale of the Chicken Ranch and its associated drama has been told in the 1985 best- selling book “The Nye County Brothel Wars” by Jane Kasindorf. Here I will briefly discuss some highlights not in last week’s column.

Are you ready for some healthy appetizers?

It’s nearly the end of the holiday season or as I like to call it; the season of sugar, butter and cream cheese.

A story of a father, son and the holiday ram

Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year, and as a holiday gift I’ll give you this, one of my favorite stories from the recently published “Sportsman’s Quest Book.”

Co-op again offering Christmas tree recycling

It’s that time of year again: what to do with that dying Christmas tree eating up space in your living room, dropping pine needles everywhere.

Letter to the Editor

‘Will you ever stop telling lies Maurizio?’

Sports Corner

The Pahrump Valley 500 Club, a bowling club at the Pahrump Valley Nugget, donated $345 to the Nye County Animal Shelter on Dec. 13. It was their annual Christmas donation.

Teaching about life altering changes of returning vets

The legislative chair of the Society of Military Widows, Nevada’s Janet Snyder, who is well-versed on local veterans issues and who travels around the country gathering information and promoting legislation that helps SMU members and veterans in general.

Senior News

Pahrump Senior Center

December 2014
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