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Former officials weigh interest in town board

Pahrump voters approved the proposal to disband the town board by a 7,294 to 7,063 margin in 2012.

Officials want to regulate off-highway vehicles

Signage for off-highway vehicles could soon pop up across Nye County roadways as members of the Pahrump Regional Transportation Commission are mulling ideas for regulation of OHVs.

Candidates spend $57,778 in county commission races

Thirteen candidates seeking the three seats in Nye County’s commission races spent a combined $57,778, according to the campaign finance reports filed with the state last week.

Vehicle drives through Radio Shack storefront windows

Pahrump Valley Fire and Rescue crews were dispatched to Radio Shack late Tuesday morning after a driver plowed through the store’s plate glass windows just before 9:30 a.m.

Popular summer program still has vacancies

There’s good news for parents who to keep their school-aged children active during summer break.

Vehicle collisions, fires, gunshot wound occupy responders

A man riding a scooter sustained serious injuries after a collision with a silver late model Chrysler sedan along Pahrump Valley Boulevard near Honeysuckle Street last Tuesday morning.

Hardy, Kihuen to face off in November, US Senate race also set

Incumbent U.S. Rep. Cresent Hardy easily won the Nevada Fourth Congressional District primary against two challengers. He will now face Democratic nominee Ruben Kihuen, a current state senator, in November’s general election.

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