The funds raised are being set aside for the purchase of a horse trailer for transporting the animals.
Residents are still struggling with access to primary care providers and long wait times.
What’s planned this week in Pahrump
Pahrump voters approved the proposal to disband the town board by a 7,294 to 7,063 margin in 2012.
With a grant from NextEra Energy, more than 10 Nye County Sheriff’s Office personnel shared dinner, laughter and stories with 20-plus seniors.
Two-term incumbent Republican Lorinda Wichman faces two GOP challengers in the June 14 primary in the contest for the District I seat on the Nye County Commission.
A man arrested for over 80 counts in October was formally charged last month.
If you look outside and think your garden or lawn is moving, you might not be imagining things, as a bug infestation is taking place in town.
Man found nude in neighbor’s truck
What appears to be just an arid wasteland of desert sage, creosote and an abundant assortment of flora on the Mojave Desert floor, Death Valley National Park and surrounding areas, contains a veritable treasure trove of historical artifacts that would stir the interest of nearly every paleontologist on the planet.
The founder of Understanding the this week did not hesitate to quash discussions, innuendo and rumors within the community about the federal government planning to haul busloads of male Syrian refugees to Pahrump to start a new life.
A local cheer and dance team brought home top prizes during a recent competition in Las Vegas.
After back-to-back weekends of rainy conditions in the valley, relief is finally on the way.
The man arrested and charged with lewdness with a child under 14 years of age was sentenced to 12 1/2 years in prison on Monday, according to the guilty plea agreement.
The mother and legal guardian of a Pahrump woman claims Nye County officials kept her daughter in jail for more than a year while ignoring court orders to send her to a state psychiatric facility.
The funds raised are being set aside for the purchase of a horse trailer for transporting the animals.
Residents are still struggling with access to primary care providers and long wait times.
What’s planned this week in Pahrump
Pahrump voters approved the proposal to disband the town board by a 7,294 to 7,063 margin in 2012.