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Ledesma throws hat into the ring for District II seat


The Pahrump Valley Times will be running articles on all the candidates seeking a Nye County Commission seat, and candidates from other races, during the next few weeks leading up to the start of early voting on May 28.

Monday last day to file income tax returns

As the Federal Income Tax deadline looms next week, those who still need to file their income tax returns have until Monday to do so.

Work Zone Awareness Week puts focus on drivers

With the amount of road work that goes on in the Silver State, no matter where you are in Nevada, drivers should yield to caution in work zones.

Amargosa Valley to wait on new land regulations

A suggestion to amend minimum lot sizes and water rights relinquishment requirements in Amargosa Valley has been halted once again.

SUV crashes into home through garage on Wednesday

Fire crews were dispatched to a home Wednesday along South Laguna after the driver of an SUV somehow slammed the vehicle through the interior of an occupied residence.

Animal fee increases lower than first sought

Animal fees in Nye County are set to go up, but not by much, to the relief of some pet owners.

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