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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

Judges and police aren’t all-powerful

In August 1990, I was covering a court case at the Douglas County Courthouse. Walking past the law library, I noticed the defendant and his lawyer through a glass wall. I swung my camera up and shot some footage of them and then continued on my way.

Gagging the House pushes ‘emergency’ rules

WASHINGTON — The Republican-led House will reach a dubious milestone this week: It will enter the record books as the most gagged in American history.

Legendary mailman symbol of idealistic Nevadans

Few legends in Nevada history approach the amazing feats of strength and endurance of the great Sierra mailman, John A. “Snowshoe” Thompson.

COMMUNITY VIEWPOINT: Honesty is important quality for sheriff’s candidate

During the early 50’s, members of the Los Angeles Police Department were competing with the notorious bribe-infested Chicago Police Force in their quest for being top dog in the acceptance of bribes racket.

COMMUNITY VIEWPOINT: VEA relies on dedicated ambassadors

While VEA has experienced an abundance of success and progress in recent years, the formation and development of the Ambassador Program stands among our cooperative’s proudest achievements.

Letters to the Editor

Maybe an outsider is needed in sheriff’s office

COMMUNITY VIEWPOINT: Is a lake at raceway a wise use of our limited water resources?

Well folks, at the BoCC meeting Monday, May 19, 2014, the commissioners made a wise choice by requiring placement of the water and sewer system on the racetrack proper instead of the fairgrounds. This was a sound decision despite reservations and opposition by many in the audience.

Letters to the Editor

Don’t judge all VA medical centers by the actions of a few

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