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Pahrump girl aiming to donate 100 bikes this Christmas season

This time of year, with Dec. 25 just two weeks away, children all around the world are contemplating their Christmas wishes and for many, they are hoping for the newest toy, some fashionable duds or the latest technological gadget or device. One local youngster, however, is harboring a Christmas wish that isn’t for herself, it’s for others.

Silver Tappers Christmas Benefit Show sold out

Christmas in the Pahrump Valley is always accompanied by a variety of holiday happenings and one of the most longstanding events of the season is the Nevada Silver Tappers Annual Christmas Benefit Show.

Over 50 Festival attracts hundreds to Pahrump Nugget Event Center

Pahrump is well-known as a retirement destination and with a large percentage of the local population made up of older adults, the valley seems a perfect place to play host to an Over 50 Festival, the second of which took place this past Friday, Dec. 3 at the Pahrump Nugget Events Center.

PVHS student volunteers clean up Trojan Park

The physical appearance of Pahrump’s Trojan Park is slowly but surely returning to its original form, thanks to the efforts of students and volunteers.

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“Aspire” book tour makes stop at Pahrump’s Nevada Outreach center

When most authors complete a book and decide it’s time to hit the road for a book tour, their stops focus on venues such as media outlets, book stores, libraries and malls. For one successful author, however, he’s decided to expand his reach by taking his latest book tour not just to the traditional venues but right to those who are in most need of a positive message this holiday season.

Pahrump Valley Lions Club assisting Saint Nick with Letters to Santa program

It’s Christmas time in the town of Pahrump and that can only mean one thing; youngsters from all over are now contemplating just what they’d like for Christmas and Santa and his reindeer are preparing themselves for their long trip around the world to deliver presents to all of the good boys and girls who made the nice list.

Two public meetings slated for Copper Rays Solar Project proposed for Pahrump Valley

In recent months, the subject of large-scale solar projects in the Pahrump Valley has caught the attention of area residents who are none too pleased with the concept of turning huge swathes of the desert landscape into fields filled with thousands of solar panels.

Nye County sponsoring critical home repair block grant application

The 2021 calendar is almost at a close and with the year 2022 right around the corner, the county is all prepared for the 2022 Community Development Block Grant Program, with the Nye County Commission giving its approval for the county to act as sponsor for Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada as that entity seeks to obtain funding that will allow it to expand its mission into the Pahrump Valley.

Utah man charged in deadly November crash near Beatty

The Nye County district attorney’s office has found probable cause to charge a man who allegedly caused a crash that killed a father and two children late last month.

Pahrump community partakes of Photos with Santa

The Salvation Army headquarters in Pahrump was abuzz with activity on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 26, 27 and 28 as members of the Nye County Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace worked to bring some holiday cheer to the valley while also raising much-needed funds to support its nonprofit mission.

Assemblyman Hafen decries state redistricting, files lawsuit

The election of Pahrump’s Nevada State Assembly representative just got a bit more complicated, thanks to the approval of a redistricting proposal by the Legislature last month.

No support from Pahrump committee for Rough Hat Nye solar project

The evening of Tuesday, Nov. 30 was a long one for members of the Pahrump Public Lands Advisory Committee, which convened a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. and did not adjourn until around 9:30 p.m. that night.

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