A vehicle fire and subsequent explosion led to the discovery of a body in the area of Cathedral Canyon late last month.
Death Valley National Park officials and the Inyo County Coroner Office are investigating the death of a female hiking in the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes area.
The additional reductions in water use would go beyond what has already been implemented under existing agreements. Southern Nevada may contribute $20 million to the effort.
Discovery Harbour Resources Corp. said in a press releases that Newcrest Resources, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Newcrest Mining Limited, has provided details of its planned drill program at Fortuity 89, Nevada.
Meeting on the second day of a special legislative session on redistricting, lawmakers moved the two redistricting bills out of committee to the floors of their respective houses.
The Nevada Department of Education is now accepting applications for the Nevada Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force.
Nevada is pegged to receive $2.5 billion in funding for the state’s road projects after the passage and signing of the federal infrastructure bill.
“Coming Soon to a Universe Near You,” as founding organizer Elizabeth Woolsey puts it, is a new program encouraging astronomy enthusiasts to take advantage of the dark night sky in rural Nevada.
It is not unusual for patients recovering from certain viruses, such as West Nile virus or even the flu, to have ongoing complications. But long COVID is more prevalent, more severe and longer lasting.
Officials with Candela Renewables, the company proposing the Rough Hat Nye County Solar Project, were in the Pahrump Valley this week for a presentation before the Pahrump Public Lands Advisory Committee and this meeting drew an even larger crowd than the last in which this project was discussed, with upward of 100 residents filling the Nye County commission chambers to make their opposition to the project clear.
The Thanksgiving holiday is just around the corner and once again, the Pahrump Holiday Task Force is immersed in preparations to host its annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner, which is set take place as an in-person, sit-down dinner with buffet-style service for the first time since 2019.
Dedicated to wildlife conservation, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is an organization with a mission to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife.
With less than a week until Veterans Day, Saturday, Nov. 6 seemed to be the perfect date for the Nye County Valor Quilters to host a Quilts of Valor presentation in honor of nearly two dozen former military service members who call the Pahrump Valley home.
Born with a heart condition known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Hadley Murphy has undergone numerous medical procedures since her birth on Oct. 15, 2020.
Thanks to the public health mandates laid down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been two years since the valley has played host to the Pahrump Intertribal Social Powwow, one of the largest events of the year for the town, but the beloved cultural gathering is now set to make its return and the community is already abuzz with eager anticipation.