Gov. Steve Sisolak on Wednesday issued a mandatory face covering policy for all Nevadans and visitors by signing Directive 024.
While nothing is absolutely concrete as of yet, it appears that the Pahrump Community Pool’s 2020 season has been saved by a last-minute push to attract applicants to fill the required lifeguard and cashier positions. Training started this week and it is hoped that the pool will be able to open for the summer sometime in mid-July.
It’s no secret that wild horse and burro advocates have been at loggerheads with the Bureau of Land Management for many years, protesting the methods utilized by that federal agency in its pursuit of management of these two species, but with little result.
Inspiring. Incredible. Amazing. Phenomenal.
Gov. Steve Sisolak on Thursday signed Emergency Directive 025, which will gradually lift the moratorium on evictions, but he also strongly urged landlords and tenants to work together and collaborate on repayment plans.
Pahrump resident Phillip Peng, who is facing two counts of animal cruelty, is headed to district court in Pahrump next month.
A neighborhood park in the community of Mountain Falls was the setting for a discussion on whether gaming machines would benefit the Mountain Falls Grill Room, and the golf course community at-large on Wednesday June 24th.
An amateur radio event will be held at the “Calvada Eye” in Pahrump beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Organizers of the event welcome the public to attend and learn more about amateur radio and what it entails, and more.
Dick Gardner, longtime chairman of the Beatty Town Advisory Board, will have to leave the board at the end of the year.
Insiders at A&E say they believe the network had no option but to cancel “Live PD,” although losing the show will be a tremendous blow.
Finalized data from the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation show initial claims for unemployment insurance totaled 10,620 for the week ending June 13, down 128 claims, or 1.2 percent, compared to last week’s total of 10,748. This is the seventh consecutive week of declines in regular initial claims.
Vitalant became the first national blood bank to test all blood donations for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The nation’s largest independent, nonprofit blood collector, serving hospital patients in Las Vegas, is providing the test results to donors who complete successful blood donations, which are critically needed now.
Desert View Hospital announced Wednesday, June 17 that there have been zero inpatients with confirmed diagnoses of COVID-19 at the facility during the month thus far.
Most of Nevada’s congressional delegation on Wednesday sent a letter to President Trump expressing opposition to efforts to resume explosive nuclear testing at the Nevada National Security Site.
The area manager of Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop at the Pahrump Nugget has a message for local residents.