The state Department of Motor Vehicles eliminated the parallel parking portion of the driving skills test effective Jan. 13, after determining it was unnecessary.
The Nye County District Attorney’s Office has charged four Pahrump residents over a string of allegations that include child sexual assault, incest and bestiality, along with other charges.
A new bill co-sponsored by Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., would extend whistleblower protection to employees of the Energy Department and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
President Donald Trump said on Twitter Thursday that he has listened to Nevadans’ concerns on Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste facility and is committed to find alternatives.
This is the season of conservation conventions and banquets. You’ve been reading about some of those in this column. They are a great chance to get together with friends, old and new. It offers an opportunity to visit with fellow hunters and conservationists from around the world, discuss new equipment, trends, government policies and the changing state, national and international regulations, and the food is always great.
After approving the acceptance of a bond payment for the uncompleted Ishani Ridge subdivision in Pahrump, the Nye County Commission followed up with an agenda item delineating the exact fund into which that money will be deposited.
Republican state Sen. Ben Kieckhefer, R-Reno, wants to open Nevada’s primary elections up to all candidates and voters, regardless of party affiliation.
A Las Vegas woman was arrested on suspicion of fraud.
The Nevada Highway Patrol and the Nye County Sheriff’s Office have a message for all motorists this month.
Nevada’s two public universities have both been recognized with the Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement for the first time.
Next Friday is Valentine’s Day! Any day we spoil our sweethearts with sweet treats is a great day in my world. One of the most Instagram worthy, special occasion cookies, is the French macaron.
The Pahrump Arts Council has recently experienced some difficult times, with a former president of the organization arrested on suspicion of embezzlement in early January of this year.
After its Dec. 13, 2019 grand opening, the owners of Pahrump’s Pizza and Theater Night at K-7 Bed and Breakfast have broadened their business to include a new afternoon family matinee show, beginning on Saturday, Feb. 8.
Pending changes to the federal Flood Insurance Rate Map brought over 100 Pahrump residents to a workshop on the subject, many of whom were obviously angered by the fact that their homes were being added into a high-risk flood hazard area, resulting in the need for those with federally-backed mortgages to purchase flood insurance.
Just one year into his term, Democratic Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak is facing a statewide recall effort to remove him from office, an effort being manned by an organization calling itself Fight For Nevada.