A Las Vegas man is facing murder following his arrest in Pahrump on Friday Aug. 19.
Drivers in the Pahrump Valley will be glad to know that by Monday, the roadwork on Highway 160 through the heart of town is expected to be completed and traffic in the area will soon resume its normal pace on a new and much smoother asphalt surface.
The Nevada Rural Housing Authority is seeking landlords to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher program. There’s a critical need for more low-income units here.
Last year, the Nye County Commission authorized the placement of a question on the 2022 ballot, asking voters whether or not the county should establish its own 5-cent diesel tax to help fund the road department’s activities across the third largest county in the U.S. But a missed deadline means that won’t happen this year.
A man who falsely claimed that he was a Drug Enforcement Agency officer was taken into custody after reports of him displaying a handgun on the countertop of a local bar, according to the Nye County Sheriff’s Office.
Highway 190 is still shut down due to flood damage from last month’s torrential rainstorms, but the National Park Service said those areas are expected to open no earlier than Aug. 19, as work continues to clear debris and repair the roads.
The Nye County Water District has been in operation for more than a decade and while the body has managed to accomplish certain items in that time, much of its duties have gone unmet. This was one of the reasons behind the decision to recall all of the water board’s members in late 2021 and essentially reestablish a new board. That board is now is working to remedy previous issues and one path it is pursuing is additional funding sources that can help expand the water district’s ability to meet its mission statement.
The 14th Annual Diaper Run will take place this September and the cost is just $20 per rider, plus a package of diapers. For passengers, the cost is $15 plus a pack of unscented baby wipes. Registration includes lunch, which will be served at the conclusion of the poker run.
A Tonopah deputy was arrested for child abuse and neglect on Sunday, according to reports from the Nye County Sheriff’s Office.
The Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation is working through a backlog of unemployment claims amid low staff levels.
He was first elected as justice of the peace in 2007, not long after the Pahrump Justice Court added a second department.
In a letter dated Aug. 4, Fish and Wildlife notified the owners of the camp that it was investigating its actions to restore the historic flow of the Carson Slough.
SUPs allow developers to deviate from zoning rules
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #10054 is a major hub of activity in the Pahrump Valley, much of which is focused solely on supporting former military members in the community. The organization operates a variety of valuable programs, one of which is its Veterans Food Bank.
Juan Alvarez, of Amargosa Valley, a student in Stephen Witten’s drawing class at Beatty High, created his drawing of the face of a combat soldier using charcoal and working without an outline.