California Lottery

No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Wednesday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $25 million.

Republicans criticize BLM in Bundy standoff

WASHINGTON – Republican lawmakers last Thursday criticized the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s handling of the April standoff with Clark County rancher Cliven Bundy, saying tensions could have been eased by local authorities rather than the BLM’s use of heavily armed agents.

Counseling agency gives away school clothes

With the beginning of school about two weeks away, some local parents have fewer shopping options for supplying their kids with essentials for the upcoming fall semester.

Chamber fills CEO vacancy with familiar face

The Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce has an enthusiastic Chief Executive Officer in new hire Salli Kerr. Kerr’s first day in her new position was Monday and she will meet with her board for the first time today.

Two restaurants get ready for debut

Two Pahrump eateries are working to get the doors open. One has entailed ground-up construction and the other extensive renovations of the dining room and an all-new kitchen equipment installation. Outdoor landscaping has also been addressed.

KNYE owner seeks support for artificial Christmas tree

The owner of Pahrump’s sole radio station says she no longer wants to kill trees in order to celebrate the Christmas holiday season.

Crime Corner

COPS: Man threatens witness, calls police, goes to jail

The U.S. needs the GOP to restore its health

It was 50 years ago this month that Barry Goldwater was nominated for president by the Republican Party. During this month, many competing conservative voices have been claiming him. But it’s hard to imagine him claiming some of them.

Laxalt says as AG he will be active against fed interests

For Republican Nevada attorney general candidate Adam Laxalt, there’s more to his campaign than his last name — as a grandson of Paul Laxalt, the famous former U.S. senator and governor — he pledges if elected to be more active in standing up to the federal government.

Boy tells police pastor offered him sex

A popular local pastor is facing open and gross lewdness charges following his arrest on Saturday evening.

Pahrump Valley 12-14 all-star team plays well at Carson tourney

John Walker took his 12-14 year old Little League all-star team to Carson City. It was the first time the Pahrump Little League had sent a team to the state tourney. The team went 1-3.

New well owners’ use may be capped at 450 gallons daily

Well driller Debra Strickland, who is co-owner of Strickland Construction, said she was re-drilling a well Friday for a large family on Thousandaire Boulevard. The dig was scheduled to go as deep as 260 feet.

Pahrump club soccer girls experience nationals

The Players SC 96 Elite under 18 club team out of Las Vegas traveled to Germantown, Maryland for the National Championships. The team represented Nevada and traveled with six Pahrump girls. The team was coached by Joe Sladek and was in a tournament with the top eight club soccer teams in the nation.

Auction winner discovers hidden costs in home purchase

Some residents live along streets with names like Power Line Road, but in Dan Salzwimmer’s case, the local rental property investor can say he bought a house directly underneath Valley Electric Association power lines.

Burglars hit thrift store for cancer victims

Burglars hit a business that supports cancer victims over the weekend and police are investigating.

Trojan volleyball prepares for upcoming season

Trojans Coach Jill Harris just concluded a successful minicamp, where Robyn Felder, the head volleyball coach from Dixie State, came down to instruct the girls for three days. Felder brought with her Hannah Harrah, a current Dixie State player who is an outside hitter.

DA’s Report

• Katelynne Nicole Davenport was charged on March 24 with invasion of the home and injury to other property.