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Nye County Room Tax audit underway

Professional auditor looking into waived late payments by transient lodging establishments.

Tattoo shop burns after suspected electrical problem

Pahrump Valley Fire Rescue Services were called to respond to a local tattoo shop last week after a possible electrical fire caused damage to the store.

NV Energy asks PUC to stop VEA

NV Energy is continuing a feud with Valley Electric Association over contracts awarded a year ago, this time asking the Public Utilities Commission not to approve upgrades to the Nevada National Security Site until studies demonstrating there will be no negative impacts to NV Energy’s system.

Fat chance for Last Chance? Not a chance, officials say

Though it’s been off the town’s radar lately, Last Chance Park remains a work in progress for town board members and staff.

Racial equality activist to Tea Party: We have similar goals

At first glance, it may seem that civil rights groups and the Tea Party would have little if anything in common when it comes to goals and ideologies.

Andre Longmire

BUSINESS: Owner A.L.L. Shoes & Apparel

NCREDA makes revolving loans available for small business

USDA Rural Development Nevada recently granted Nye County Regional Economic Development Authority (NCREDA) $30,000 to develop a revolving loan fund for small and emerging private business in Nye County. NCREDA matched the Rural Business Enterprise Grant with $21,900 of in-kind contributions.

NRC chair rejects call to recuse from Yucca case

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Allison Macfarlane, said Monday she intends to take part in decision-making on the Yucca Mountain project, rejecting a call that she recuse herself.

Rep. Grijalva chides BLM’s ‘broken’ wild horse policy

PALOMINO VALLEY, Nev. (AP) — The top Democrat on a congressional subcommittee on public lands said Wednesday that he wants to work with well-meaning U.S. land managers to overcome decades of mismanagement of wild horses and fix outdated, “broken” roundup policies he says prioritize livestock over mustangs.

Las Vegas officials cite coverups, lies in Yucca debate

As they’ve done in the past when the Yucca Mountain Project received billions of federal dollars for studying where to put the nation’s highly radioactive waste, Las Vegas City Council members chimed in Wednesday against resurrecting the funding-starved effort after a presentation by the state’s leading critic.

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