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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

2014: The Year of the Republican Woman?

If there has indeed been a Republican war on women, Republican women in Nevada are striking back!

JFK backed down on Cuba

Whenever there’s an international dispute, such as the one involving Syria through which we are passing, people are almost certain to drag out two previous crises as supposed lessons to us. They are Munich and the missile crisis. Neither of these are normally described accurately. Right now I am particularly concerned with the missile incident, because it got quite a workout recently. Publications from the Washington Post to Mother Jones to the Jewish Post invoked it over Syria.

Letter to the Editor

Borasky flip-flopping on tax increase

RIP for gun control

WASHINGTON — Why can’t conservatives just take the win on gun rights?

Amargosa Valley: Sunshine, as good a place as any

Some small-business owners in this area have been hit hard by the recession, but if developers of a new photovoltaic solar energy project in the area have their way, the future will look just a little brighter in this stretch of the state.

Kirner not being straight with voters on the Kirner Tax

When a Republican starts dissembling over the “principled character” of his position in support of a tax hike, one immediately suspects the position is being articulated with a forked tongue coming out of two faces. Such is the case of Assemblyman Randy Kirner’s (R-Reno) recent defense of the proposed “Kirner Tax.”

Love-hate relationship with The List

Individual words and short phrases written top to bottom on lined paper. It seems so simple and harmless. Yet, when I create it, I become a captive, helpless under its powers. It consumes my thoughts and controls my actions. I am powerless against the forces of The List.

FROM THE EDITOR: Welcome to Canada! Need a hip replacement?

Greedy corporations. Greedy doctors. Greedy lawyers. Uninsured people who lead unhealthy lifestyles, or who engage in activities that create messes for everyone else to clean up. Or, sadder, people who are born with genetic predispositions for disease or other medical calamities.

Wild horses pose cultural dilemma for Navajo nation

As if the politics of the West’s wild horses wasn’t confused and conflicted enough, the Navajo Nation is riding into the issue with a surprise move that could shift the balance of the protracted battle.

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