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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

Government has no business setting wages for private businesses

President Obama recently declared that “no one who works full-time in America should have to live in poverty.” His proposed solution is to “give” 15 million American workers a raise by increasing the federal government’s “minimum wage.”

A court’s order: Obey the law

WASHINGTON — Nowadays the federal government leavens its usual quotient of incompetence with large dollops of illegality. This is eliciting robust judicial rebukes, as when, last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia instructed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to stop “flouting the law.” Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh said: “It is no overstatement to say that our constitutional system of separation of powers would be significantly altered if we were to allow executive and independent agencies to disregard federal law in the manner asserted in this case.”

Camp for children with hemophilia

BIG BEAR, Calif. — Kelli Walters sees it about this time every summer, and it never fails to amaze her.

FROM THE EDITOR:Tales of Beatty dust, dashed dreams, and Chicago politics

ast week I made what I consider an unusually thoughtful argument for why President Obama, our beloved Sen. Harry Reid and the man who traded a lifetime federal job for a few years in Carson City, Gov. Brian Sandoval, were wrong on Yucca Mountain.

Obama’s summer swoon

WASHINGTON — The Gallup polling organization reported Monday that President Obama has had a particularly pronounced summer swoon each year of his presidency, and that August typically brings his lowest approval ratings of all.

Letters to the Editor

Desert View Hospital, the NyE Communities Coalition, and the Nye County School District would like to thank the Pahrump Realty Association for their generous donation toward school supplies for this year’s Back to School Health Fair.

Escalating from a mistake to a blunder

Last week a reporter for in KLAS News in Las Vegas reported, “Vaccines have been debated for years in the medical field. While some doctors believe they are vital to a child’s health, other doctors believe in a more natural approach to disease prevention.”

You are in big trouble, Espn Turbo Smith

It took me days to name my children. People would harass me in the hospital, noting I would not be allowed to leave until the Social Security forms were completed with the baby’s full name entered in the appropriate spaces. However, I took the naming part of my job as a new parent very seriously. I refused to be bullied into making the wrong decision.

Going green vs fossil

This week’s Clean Energy Summit 6.0 was Sen. Harry Reid’s green party, of that there can be no doubt.

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