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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

TIM BURKE: California dynamics have changed, for the worse

Once upon a time, the state of California was a great place to live or to visit. Not anymore. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact time when California began its decline from a thriving state.

Letters to the editor

Even in ancient Rome they had political corruption

TIM BURKE: Unexpected passing of a loved one causes reflection

It is one of the worst types of phone calls you will receive. The wife of a good friend called me last week to tell me that my friend had suddenly passed away.

Letters to the editor

Impeachment trial is an unnecessary political stunt

DEBRA J. SAUNDERS: Will Biden leave Little Sisters free to choose?

President Joe Biden likes to talk about unity and his intent to rise above partisan rancor to heal the divisions that led a pro-Trump mob to swarm the Capitol on Jan. 6.

DAN SCHINHOFEN: The law of unintended consequences

Why aren’t we demanding that Emperor Sisolak hand back his power to our elected Representatives? Why haven’t our Representatives convened and taken back their authority to govern?

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