Donate Halloween constumes at these bins around town, including Living Free Cafe at 2050 S. Highway 16; Game Corner and Family Fun Center at 1190 E. Highway 372 unit #8; and XPress Detail and Auto Spa at 970 Pahrump Valley Blvd.
Republicans who oppose abortion vow they would nonetheless protect Nevada’s statute guaranteeing abortion rights if faced with a federal bill to ban the practice nationwide.
September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and awareness advocates are taking the opportunity to highlight the observance in the hope of reducing the impact of this all-too-common disease in communities all around the country.
Last month the Pahrump Valley lost one of its longtime elected officials, Justice of the Peace Kent Jasperson, and with his death there exists a vacancy in the Pahrump Justice Court.
The state will accept applications for marijuana lounges between Oct. 14-27.
The school will be using its funding to establish a second dedicated STEM class which will incorporate materials from Hand2Mind and Kinderlab Robotics.
They allegedly were involved in the distribution of narcotics to Riley Briseno who was found non-responsive on March 21, 2021 after deputies responded to 8 Prospect Ave. in Round Mountain.
Restrooms are just part of the plan for the popular gathering site. Here are some other amenities to expect.
On Monday, Blundo was booked in the Nye County Detention Center on felony domestic battery charges and subsequently released.
“One car was on top of another parked car and the car was resting on its passenger side. Crews arrived on location and completed scene size-up and confirmed the accident as described,” the fire chief said.
Saturday rainfall has caused more road closures in Death Valley National Park.
Cottontail Ranch, north of Pahrump, burned down Monday morning. The brothel had a rumored tie to reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes.
Brianna De La Mora was installed as president, with Lacey Cordova as vice-president, Ernest Childress as secretary, Amanda Swisegood treasurer and Michael Watkins as board member.
Multiple counts of murder have been added to a criminal complaint against a Utah resident who allegedly killed three people in a multi-vehicle, head-on crash along U.S. 95 late last year.
Mobilize Recovery Across America launched its 2022 bus tour and its second stop along its route across the nation was right here in the Pahrump Valley, where Living Free Health and Fitness acted as host site.