With increasing operation costs, county officials say the increase is a necessity.
Tractor Supply is hosting an adoption event with Never Forgotten.
This group’s mission is to remove garbage from area roadways and public lands.
Residents can attend this free public event from the Federation of the Blind.
No actual bomb threat was called into the sheriff’s office.
WASHINGTON — After their first draft drew mixed reviews, Nevada’s senators are circulating a new plan that aims to avert or at least mitigate harm across the state if the sage grouse is listed by the government as an endangered or threatened species next year.
Fears of well owners having to meter their wells have so far been unfounded. Still, a Basin 162 Groundwater Management Plan Advisory Committee suggestion heard Monday may raise more anxiety for well owners.
It’s a scene directly out of Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds.”
County Commissioner Donna Cox wanted a ballot question in November on whether voters still wanted to proceed with the Pahrump Airport project, but couldn’t get it placed on the commission’s agenda in time, Clerk Sam Merlino confirmed Wednesday.
Another effort is underway to shutter a business that caters to residents’, er, voyeuristic tendencies.
The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services wanted county recommendations on dispensaries, with Nye County only allowed one, but it was a question mark how many cultivation facilities would get approval in Carson City, Commission Chairman Dan Schinhofen said last Wednesday.
Social media showed its power Monday when some residents took to Facebook to express outrage over the decision by two hotels, Best Western and Saddle West Hotel &Casino, to deny rooms to patrons with local addresses.
Students returning to two Pahrump area schools Aug. 11 will be greeted by two new administrators.
After funding years of completed or ongoing studies since its creation in 2009, members of the Nye County Water District board were urged to present their priorities as preparation for an action plan.
Desert View Hospital’s Meagan Kowalski considered Saturday’s Back to School Health Fair as the “biggest turnout thus far.”
With increasing operation costs, county officials say the increase is a necessity.
Tractor Supply is hosting an adoption event with Never Forgotten.
This group’s mission is to remove garbage from area roadways and public lands.
Residents can attend this free public event from the Federation of the Blind.