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PAHRUMP EVENTS | The best bets for the week ahead

Go see a play, teach the kids a new skill, eat, drink & shop at one stop or hear live rap at 5280’s. Faye Burdzinski has the cure for your chronic boredom.

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PARTY AT THE FARM: 3rd Annual “Fun”draiser set for Nature Health Farms

Alex D’Jon purchased land to establish a rural venture in Pahrump in 2019 and area residents will be able to check out all Nature Health Farms has to offer this Saturday during the 3rd Annual Nature Health Farms “Fun”draiser.

5th Annual Veterans Extravaganza set for March

In the patriotic community of Pahrump, veterans are a valued part of the population and are regularly the focus of public events, from fundraisers and festivals to ceremonies and observances. One such event is geared specifically toward connecting the valley’s former military members with much-needed resources and residents will soon have the chance to check out all that will be on exhibit during this year’s Veterans Extravaganza.

2023 Crab Fest tickets are selling fast — here’s how to get them

In the dry desert environment of Pahrump, opportunities to feast on fresh seafood are few and far between but this February, those with a taste for succulent crab can do just that during the 2023 Crab Fest.

PHOTOS: Pahrump’s Desert Squares are keeping an old tradition alive

Those who took advantage of free square-dancing lessons at the Bob Ruud Community Center this month were coached through the basics of a do-si-do, promenade, sashay and more by caller Ned Newberg and the club’s more experienced dancers.

DON’T MISS: Multi-media art collection at Beatty Museum

A special collection entitled “Meaning is Always Here” will be on loan from the Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art in Las Vegas through Jan. 27.

PAHRUMP | What’s going on?

A list of upcoming events in the area to help you plan the weeks ahead.

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