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How Pahrump came together to feed veterans at the Rib Extravaganza

Rising to a challenge posed just three days prior to the big event, the Pahrump community came through in a big way for the “Support Our Troops Rib Extravaganza” with combined donations totaling more than $4,000 and hundreds of veterans able to enjoy a hearty lunch at absolutely no cost.

Nye County’s CASA holding Hawaiian vacation raffle

Since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, nonprofits across the country have been hit hard with reduced funding, but the needs those organizations fulfill have certainly not lessened.

Nye County sheriff completes chemotherapy

Nye County Sheriff Sharon Wehrly gave an update on her health following a cancer diagnosis last year.

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Pahrump butterfly release a tribute to lives lost

One hundred live butterflies were released during the annual Nathan Adelson Hospice butterfly release at the Calvada Eye this past Sunday.

Officials seek funds for new convention center as part of Pahrump Fairgrounds development

Nye County and the town of Pahrump have been making steady strides in the last few years toward developing the Pahrump Fairgrounds and Tim Sutton, manager for both the town and county, outlined all that has been accomplished at the site and what’s still to come in the future.

Greenlink opponents fear it will open ‘Pandora’s box’

Many are expressing economic and environmental concerns about the instrusive power project that will run transmission lines through Beatty and other parts of Nye County.

‘We want to know what’s out there’: Pentagon officials testify in UFO hearing

Pentagon officials testified Tuesday that the number of reports of unexplained aerial phenomena has increased, but there has been no evidence found to indicate the activity is from otherworldly aliens. Nye County has long been a hotspot for UFO sightings.

Meet Pahrump’s new librarian

It’s been nearly one year since the Pahrump Community Library has had a permanent library director but the search for a new leader is now at an end, with Vanja Anderson officially accepting an employment offer from the Pahrump Library Board of Trustees this month

How you can support local veterans

Pahrump community challenged to provide free meals for vets at upcoming Rib Extravaganza.

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