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Nye still a “non-sanctuary” county

The commission has reaffirmed its stance on illegal immigration enforcement.

Rare opportunity to kayak in Death Valley

DEATH VALLEY, Calif. – A temporary lake provides a rare opportunity to kayak in the driest place in the United States: Death Valley National Park.

2024 Dark Sky Festival could lure thousands to Death Valley

DEATH VALLEY, Calif. – Explore the wonders of space from one of the darkest locations in the United States. The Death Valley Dark Sky Festival will take place Friday, March 1 through Sunday, March 3. This popular event was attended by over 3,500 people last year.

Cotillion Cake Auction generates $5k

The 2nd Annual Cake Auction to benefit the Nye County Cotillion took place this past Saturday and though event organizers said attendance wasn’t as strong as they would have liked, those that did take part more than made up for the lack of a large crowd.

Rains force relocation of several government offices

With the recent rains in the valley further damaging the already dilapidated building at 2101 E. Calvada Blvd., Nye County has had to accelerate the shuffling of the offices formerly housed at that location. The Nye County Finance, Human Resources and Natural Resources offices, as well as the Nye County Water District and the town of Pahrump’s Ambulance Billing offices, have all been affected by the need to abandon the building and several staff members are consequently working from home.

County grants $20k to support veteran service dogs program

As a certified service dog trainer and dog behavior specialist, Tynia Dickson is well-versed in the positive impacts that these animals can have on a person’s well-being but an untrained dog can be a huge source of frustration. That’s why, after having faced this problem herself and created a strategy to deal with it, Dickson started the Sassy Trainer.

Help local kids at the Winter Bed Build

A bed to sleep in – it may seem a simple thing but having a safe and comfortable bed to settle into each night is key to overall health and wellness.

Caucus 2024: Republicans in Nevada have spoken

A long line of Republicans in Pahrump wrapped from the Bob Ruud Community Center entrance to the rodeo arena to participate in the caucus last Thursday night. After Tuesday’s Presidential Preference Primary Election, where Nikki Haley lost in the Nevada Primary to “none of the above,” it was a symbolic vote from Republicans.

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