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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

GUEST COLUMN: Sheriff’s candidate seeks to dispell rumors

Nye County residents, I think it is time to clarify some of the rumors that are spreading all over the county. I have said repeatedly, if anyone has questions for me, call or send an email to electsharonfornyecountysheriff@gmail.com. I will be glad to answer them. It seems the whisper campaign and plain old guessers are having a field day and are spreading statements I have not made and in some cases are spreading outright untruths. So, let’s clarify some of them:

Democratic fundraisers: “All hope is lost”

A few days ago, I spotted a worrisome subject line while checking my email. It read, “FINAL NOTICE.” All my bills are paid up, so it was difficult to imagine what it was. When I opened it, I discovered that someone was, indeed, impatient with me because I had not sent any money. Well, not so much someone as someTHING — the Democratic Party.

Letters to the Editor

Old campaign signage on roads unsightly

An eye on the Baltic States?

The Islamic State is a nasty problem that can be remedied if its neighbors, assisted by the United States, decide to do so. Vladimir Putin’s fascist revival is a crisis that tests the West’s capacity to decide.

Letters to the Editor

New RV park would eliminate view

What Congress should give Google for its Sweet 16

Although Google’s official birthday has moved around a bit over the years, it is generally accepted that the universe will celebrate the search engine’s 16th birthday on Sept. 27th. And I know the perfect gift…

Democrats prepare to erode first amendment

Over the years, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in various campaign finance cases that money is speech (Buckley vs. Valeo 1976), that corporations are persons entitled to first amendment protection in political expression (Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission 2010), and that aggregate limits on campaign contributions are a violation of the first amendment (McCutcheon v. FEC 2014).

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