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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

Myers: Is Heck really an abortion opponent?

Abortion has been an issue between Republican Joe Heck and Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto in their U.S. Senate race. This surprised me because I didn’t remember Heck being particularly opposed to abortion when he was a state legislator. Nor has there been any news coverage this year telling us what his position is.

Muth: Get off Trump’s back about “rigged” elections

Despite his obvious and overwhelming win in the third and final debate between Donald Trump and Crooked Hillary, the mainstream media opted to ignore the victory and instead focus on Trump’s refusal to say, in advance, if he’d accept the election outcome if he loses.

Letter: Vote no on Question 2 – big marijuana push

Question 2 before Nevada voters asks whether marijuana should be fully legal and widely available for recreational commercial sale. Our state has already decriminalized the drug for small quantity possession and marijuana is now legally available for medical use.

Knapp: Sandy Hook suit victimized families yet again for political gain

It’s been nearly four years since Adam Lanza murdered his mother at the Newtown, Connecticut home they shared, then assaulted Sandy Hook Elementary School, killing 20 children, six staff members and, finally, himself.

Letter: A little chicken election story for you

A news agency reported a chicken walking down the middle of the road. It also released hacked emails of Hillary Clinton staffers trying to make sure Hillary was in charge of getting the chicken back to their side of the road, and employees of the Clinton Foundation trying to get jobs so they could lure the chicken back with gourmet chicken feed.

Commentary: So where exactly does Dennis Hof live?

I thought that last week I had written my one and only editorial regarding Dennis Hof running for Assembly until I woke up Thursday morning and scanned my email for the current news headlines.

Myers: Leading by sitting down

Former University of Nevada coach Chris Ault, on Colin Kaepernick’s protest: “You never lead by sitting down – during the national anthem or anywhere – so for me it’s not the message that’s troubling, it’s the platform and the way it was delivered.”

Election season keeps sign maker busy

Campaign signs pop up all over town as local companies are prospering off candidates’ battles for votes.

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