EDITORIAL: Lombardo delivers solid, but uninspiring speech

Ronald Reagan once urged the Republican Party to broaden its appeal by “raising a banner of bold colors, no pale pastels.” Gov. Joe Lombardo doesn’t appear to be taking that advice.

Spring Mountains lag behind rest of state with unusually low snowpack numbers

With snowpack in the Spring Mountains at zero percent of a historic median as of last week, some may worry about the future of a region where some are already being forced to drill wells deeper to meet a declining water table.

Missing airplane spotted near Tonopah

Ground crews lost contact after departure from North Las Vegas

EDITORIAL: Trump inauguration an eventful day in US history

The energetic start to Mr. Trump’s second term indicates his commitment to delivering on his agenda for the American people, a majority of whom voted for a new direction.

Letters to the Editor

I am very relieved that our nation will not have to suffer another four years.

Nevada’s high school football playoff format adjusted again

The Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association made changes to a playoff structure that now includes an Open Division state championship.

Purple Sage public meeting held

Public comment is sought on the solar generation facility proposal.

Nevada dairy farm could become solar facility

An agreement has been signed to turn the 3,000-acre dairy farm into a solar energy facility.

February 2025
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