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Trojans get win in close game against Moapa Valley

The Trojans got their third league loss of the season, but in a competitive game against Moapa Valley, the Trojans secure another win for the season.

Pahrump Valley girls basketball 1-0 in league

The Trojans win their first league game after a successful tournament. The team will continue to work to rebuild their young team to be as successful as possible in the team.

Pahrump wrestling team takes two big league wins

After a 4-4 overall standings, the Pahrump Valley wrestling team has put in the work to come out on top with a 2-0 league standings.

Pahrump Valley girls basketball tournament takes home wins

In a rebuilding year for the Pahrump Valley girls basketball team, the Trojans were able to take home two wins in a tournament in the Reno valley.

Pahrump boys basketball 0-2 early in the seaosn

The Pahrump boys basketball team recently lost their second league game against Coral Academy in Henderson last week.