Letters to the Editor

Nobody knows better the grit and sacrifice military service requires than those who donned the uniform.

Ski resort near Las Vegas ready for early opening

The Lee Canyon resort, which has a peak of 11,289 feet, receives an average of 129 inches of natural snow a year.

Pahrump Valley advances to the semifinals

After a 48-40 victory for the Trojans, the Pahrump team is advancing to the semifinals against the No. 1 team in the league, Sports Leadership and Management.

Letters to the Editor

I am voting for Trump based on his proven record as the 45th president.

Pahrump 500 Club: November results

Over $600 were spread out over three tournaments and two side pots on Sunday

EDITORIAL: Biden foreign policy leaves a void on world stage

The world was a relatively stable place when Donald Trump left office in 2021. Since then, the Biden White House signaled repeatedly to our enemies that there is little consequence for international misbehavior.

Four suspects face drug, gun, child abuse charges

The arrest report stated that numerous prescription pills and approximately 15.9 grams of cocaine was discovered in plain view in the living room of the home.

An ode to the healing waters of Tecopa

Every oasis in a desert has a gravitational pull, and Tecopa’s hot mineral water is a particularly strong vortex.

Upcoming Events

Members of the Facebook group Pahrump Car Shows, Etc. are planning a “Rod Run” to TecopaFest 2024 this Saturday.

Letters to the Editor

I’m voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

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