Nye County Senior Menus

What’s on the menu at Nye County’s Senior Centers?

Michele Fiore suspended as Pahrump justice without pay

The Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline voted to suspend Michele Fiore from her position as Pahrump Justice of the Peace without pay, according to court documents.

Spectacular sculptures in the desert

The Goldwell Museum 40th Anniversary Celebration invited art-lovers from all walks of life out for a weekend of creative diversion.

Artists and Burners and Witches, Oh My!

Attendees crafted miniature Szukalski Last Supper “ghosts” using old GI Joe action figures and rocks.

EDITORIAL: Time to pass a federal shield law

Forty-nine states, including Nevada, have enacted some version of a “shield law,” preventing the government from forcing reporters to reveal their notes or sources.

Rotary Club holding blood drive tomorrow

Blood donations go directly the Vitalant organization, the nation’s largest independent, non-profit blood services provider

Letters to the Editor

As a military veteran, I cannot (after in-depth consideration) support the 45th president, Donald Trump.

First place bowling team takes big win

At the Scotch Doubles No Tap Bowling Tournament over $1,000 were handed out in prize money to Pahrump Valley Tournament Bowling Club members over the weekend.

Last call for Trojans fall sports

Trojans fall sports teams are finishing their regular seasons this week

Could Michele Fiore be suspended without pay?

After a roll call the Nevada Commission of Judicial Discipline met virtually to render a decision to suspend Pahrump Justice of the Peace Michele Fiore without pay, on Friday afternoon.

Town hall set to discuss plan for homeless shelter

Plans to build a Transitional Housing and Nutrition Center in Pahrump may have many local residents riled up but the advisory committee heading the project is forging ahead nonetheless.

Pumpkin Days celebrating 15 years

The always-popular Pumpkin Days is making its return for the fifteenth year and Pahrump Disability Outreach Program is eagerly anticipating another fabulous festival.

Judicial discipline commission to weigh Michele Fiore’s suspension

The Nevada Judicial Discipline Commission has scheduled a hearing Friday to determine if the group will taken away the salary of Michele Fiore, who was recently found guilty of wire fraud.

Emergency personnel rescue man on Shadow Mountain

Nye County Search and Rescue crews were activated after a reported suicidal man scaled Shadow Mountain and threatened to jump.

DVH leader honored with Act of Kindness Award

DVH CEO Susan Davila has spent many years working at the head of the only hospital in the Pahrump community and her dedication to health care has now garnered her a special local award.

Nye County Sheriff’s Office seeks patrol deputy trainees

The Nye County Sheriff’s Office is seeking a few good men and women to serve as patrol deputy trainees for Amargosa Valley, Beatty, Pahrump, Round Mountain, and Tonopah.

Early voting in Nye County gets underway Saturday

Nevada voters can begin to cast their ballots in Nye County as early as this Saturday for the highly anticipated 2024 general election.

Free pop-up medical clinic serves hundreds — PHOTOS

Medical care is an imperative part of living a healthy life but the financial strings attached can often lead people to delay or even forego a visit to the doctor, dentist or optometrist.

Boys tennis to play South Tahoe in state semifinals

Only the Trojans boys tennis team advanced to the 3A Southern League Championship game which secured them a spot in the 3A state playoffs, a first in Pahrump Valley history.

Letters to the editor

I rarely write a letter to the PVT but there’s a matter that I feel must be addressed.

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