Following a strong showing last year in which team finished 19-9, the Lady Trojans opened the 2025 season finishing 1-3 in back-to-back double headers.
This year, after stepping away from the Little League in 2018 due to health complications, Banuelos could no longer stand to be away from the league he loves and will return to serve.
Top scoring duos in two divisions split a $920 cash prize.
Throughout the season, teammates learn java programming for autonomous features, robot construction engineering skills, and 3D modeling of the robots and practice fields.
Pahrump Valley Little League fans are in for a treat this season as a newly constructed baseball field is slated to be ready by opening day.
Triston Robert is a high school cheer coach who has not graduated from high school himself.
Pahrump Little League Coach Craig Havel said he and some other coaches have tired of losing to Las Vegas teams. Over the summer they took some action and formed a Little League travel squad comprised mainly of the minor league all-star team.
Senior sprinter Marvin Caperton competed in the National Senior games in Cleveland, Ohio July 19-Aug. 1.
Amanda Head graduated with the class of 2013. She was the top shot put thrower for the Trojans and was ranked number two in the state in Divsion 1-A.
There was “Cheaper by the Dozen” the movie, but it can not compare to what Paul and Velma Chaffee put together.
Twenty-two players from Nevada from six towns, Las Vegas, Pahrump, Beatty, Tonopah, Fallon and Reno went to the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association World Tournament in St. George, Utah.
In Tonopah, the Muckers have the same situation as the Trojans. With less than a few weeks before pads go on, Coach Duffy Otteson finds himself with two quarterbacks.
A Father and son team are out to smash the competition this year at the General Tire Vegas to Reno Race.
Matthew Kolodzieczyk is the new cross country coach for the Trojans and has been teaching at Pahrump Valley High School for several years now.
Trojans football will start the season in 27 days. The team has been conditioning most of the summer. Regulation pad practices begin on Aug. 15.
Following a strong showing last year in which team finished 19-9, the Lady Trojans opened the 2025 season finishing 1-3 in back-to-back double headers.
This year, after stepping away from the Little League in 2018 due to health complications, Banuelos could no longer stand to be away from the league he loves and will return to serve.
Top scoring duos in two divisions split a $920 cash prize.
Throughout the season, teammates learn java programming for autonomous features, robot construction engineering skills, and 3D modeling of the robots and practice fields.